Moving Tips
Here are some important Tips to keep in mind regarding shipping your household goods
Mover can make all the difference in the world. You’ll want to choose someone with the knowledge, expertise, and resources to get you where you
Considerations When Selecting an International Moving Company
When you are choosing between companies, be sure you understand a few basic things. First, be aware of the rates and charges that will apply to your move; not all companies will be upfront about all the moving fees. Be certain of the mover’s liability for your belongings, valuation coverage they offer, and type of claims protection they have. Also, ask the companies how pickup and delivery will work. Though it seems very basic, on-time pickup and delivery is essential when traveling overseas.
Here are additional resources from Shiva Global Relocation Safety Administration to help educate you on moving and safety:
Becoming Involved
When you talk about moving, you really mean relocating. It’s a process that usually takes anywhere from 90 to 120 days. If you and your family become involved in the process, you will find it can be a well-organized, efficient experience. The key is your effort to control each aspect of the relocation.
Moving is not something you can stand back and watch. Nor can it be done alone. The responsibilities of relocating need to be shared … among you, your spouse, children, friends, employer, and last but not least, the moving company you select.
Planning And Organization
Plan, organize, plan, organize, plan, organize, plan, organize, plan, organize, plan, organize … There. We probably haven’t said it enough. But if you can master those two concepts, you are well on your way to an efficient and painless move.
Make a list of what you need to do, and when you need to do it. One approach is to make a calendar of events for your moving timetable.
Compiling Personal Records
All the time you have been living in your current home, you have been building important records of your personal history. Medical, dental, financial, and legal information will take on increased importance in your new community. Information gathering should be a simple process that you can begin working on several months before your actual move.
Contact your family doctor and dentist – and all of the specialists you may have been to like pediatricians, obstetricians, and eye doctors and get copies of your medical records. Your new physicians and dentists will need your history.
If you have a pet, you will need their medical records too. Your veterinarian can give you copies of their immunization certificates, which you will probably need to get new tags or licenses.
Arrange to transfer the contents of your safety deposit box to a bank near your new home. In it, you will likely have not only securities and valuables, but also important papers like marriage and birth certificates. Make sure you have a record of the contents.
While you are at the bank, notify them of your planned move, and arrange to transfer funds to a new bank or branch. If you make a house hunting trip to your new city, it’s a good time to find a bank, discuss mortgage arrangements if you are buying a house, and open an account, all before your move.
And remember the other professionals: accountants, who will have copies of your taxes, lawyers, insurance agents including both life and auto/home coverage, stock brokers, and schools for the kid’s records.
Be Practical
Now is the time to consider what you really do or do not need. Like the sofa your mother-in-law gave you that’s been in the basement for two years. Chances are, if you haven’t used it in the last year, you probably never will!
Consider your appliances
If you have wanted a new refrigerator with an icemaker, now may be the time to look for a new one that matches your new kitchen. And if your washer and dryer are getting old and battered, consider selling them.
Garage sales are another tradition that is especially useful before moving. They enable you to sell unwanted furniture, appliances, clothing, and other household items that you no longer use, while putting a little more welcomed spending money in your pocket.
The kid’s room is usually a good place to start when it comes to eliminations. The clothes they have outgrown and the toys they don’t play with can be sold at the garage sale, or may be welcomed by your favorite charity. And remember, when you make charitable donations, the Internal Revenue Service may allow certain deductions from your federal income tax.
The houseplants you have carefully nurtured may appreciate adoption by a friend rather than the rigorous journey in your car. If they must go with you, your mover cannot take them, but you may be able to arrange transportation through a florist or nursery.
Consider motor vehicles including cars, campers, boats, trailers, motorcycles, and snowmobiles. Your mover can take them for you, but if you plan to drive, be sure and have your car and trailer serviced before the trip.
Items that cannot be shipped
There are two categories of things that cannot go with the mover, and that you probably will not want to drag them around yourself; namely perishables like frozen foods, and hazardous materials.
Plan your meals to use up the contents of your freezer at least a week before you go. Defrost the freezer and allow it to stand with the door open for three or four days so it will dry out and not mildew in transit. It’s a good idea to do the same thing even with automatic defrosting refrigerators. Be sure to block the door so it cannot close accidentally on small children.
Hazardous materials include anything flammable or corrosive, like paint, cleaning products, antifreeze and oil, and of course, gasoline. Also, if you have got a gas grill with a tank, be sure the tank is completely empty before either you or the mover takes it.
If you have leftover paint from your house, label cans as to where it was used and leave them behind in the garage or basement. The new residents will appreciate the favor.
Keep these types of items clearly separated from everything else so nothing gets packed or moved unintentionally. Whatever you do, remember not to ship anything that might put at risk all of your possessions in the moving van.
Use Common Sense
DO NOT pack up watches, jewelry, money or important documents.
DO NOT leave these items in dresser drawers or laying on top of furniture. Take these articles with you.
Perishable Article or Articles of Extraordinary Value
- The carriers will not assume any liability whatsoever for: documents, currency, money, jewelry, watches, precious stones, or articles of extraordinary value including accounts, antiques, bills, deeds, evidence of debt, securities, notes, postage stamps, stamp collections, revenue stamps, letters or packets of letters, articles of peculiarly inherent value, precious metals or articles manufactured there from which are not specifically listed on the bill of lading.
- When perishable articles are included in a shipment with or without knowledge of the carrier, responsibility for condition or flavor will not be assumed by the carrier.
Before You Move
- Plan meals that will use up perishable and frozen foods.
- Dispose of all combustibles, lyes, paints and dyes.
- Separate goods you wish to move yourself.
- Have all appliances to be moved, disconnected prior to your move date. Defrost and dry your freezer and refrigerator the night before if they are to be moved.
- IMPORTANT – Be sure that you understand your insurance coverage and have placed adequate valuation on your household goods.
- Transit Certificates -Please advise your moving representative in advance if you desire additional valuation. It is important that you purchase enough valuation for your shipment.
- Full replacement value must be based on a minimum of $3.50/lb. Under valuation can lead to underpayment in the event of a claim. If you have any questions, again please ask your moving representative.
- If you wish to use a Credit Card to pay for your relocation, you must notify our office prior to the loading of your household goods. We require pre-authorization of all credit card shipments and accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.
On Moving Day
- DO NOT HAVE YOUR PHONE DISCONNECTED UNTIL AFTER LOADING DAY. It is important for us to be able to have contact with yourself and our crew.
- Plan your day so that you will not leave your old residence until the moving company leaves, unless you have a reliable person to act on your behalf and to sign all necessary documents.
- When all goods have been loaded, make a thorough check of all rooms, attics, basements, closets, cupboards and behind doors. It is your responsibility to make sure that nothing has been overlooked and to make sure nothing has been loaded into the van in error.
- Prepare an emergency box (or boxes) of items you will need immediately on the move day. Load it last so it can be easily identified and it’s the first box out of the truck.
Upon Delivery
- Make a physical count of your goods as they are brought into your new residence.
- Make appropriate notations of any missing items or damages on the bill of lading or delivery receipt at time of delivery. The best proof is always a written notation at the time of delivery.
- Be sure your copy of the delivery papers is signed by the driver and includes notations of any damages or loses.
- DO NOT dispose of any damaged articles without prior approval from our claims office. Contact the mover as soon as possible to report any damaged or missing items.